Well in most of the cases we can opt for other options.

Why bother about making window forms application responsive when we have alternative options like WPF and Universal window applications? This could be done if we define the position and size of our controls as a certain percentage of our application window size. But, there are ways with which we can achieve optimum level of responsiveness. Though window form application suffer with this problem. This lacking makes it difficult for window form applications to compete against tablet applications designed on android or on IOS. As we know that by default classic window form applications does not support responsive behaviour as it lacks Html and CSS.

With responsive approach of designing websites and applications gaining such popularity that developers of application and websites are much more bound to follow responsive patterns. A short and crisp definition of responsiveness would be the ability to scale the controls and images of an application to make it look good on all devices(desktop, tablets, and mobiles). Before going forward, we must understand what is responsiveness, why responsive behavior is so important and why responsiveness is such a “big thing”. This article discuss the methodology that makes “Classic Window Form Application” responsive with custom coding.